New-look HAVU CS:GO is here! Our lineup sees two returning players from 2018-19 and a new face in HAVU jersey. Welcome back Jesse "zehN" Linjala & Joonas "doto" Forss, and welcome Jarkko "Spargo" Rahja!
In addition, the Finnish cs legend Mikko "xartE" Välimaa will take the role of the team's coach.
Jarkko "Spargo" Rahja (AWP)
Joonas "doto" Forss (IGL)
Jesse "zehN" Linjala (rifle)
Jani "Aerial" Jussila (entry)
Sami "xseveN" Laasanen (rifle)
Mikko “xartE” Välimaa (coach)
-I get to play in many maps the same roles that I played with international teams. In some maps, however, my roles have changed and it gives more power in terms of learning. The first trainings have gone well and I have enjoyed playing. Returning to Finnish CS has been refreshing and I've always wanted to play with Aerial and XSEVEN anyway. I believe that we have a great package to raise Finnish CS to a new level, commented Jesse Linjala on the new line-up.
Even though the expectations are high both at HAVU and the fans, the players still want to keep the focus on their own playing.
-With a very good feeling, I go to play with such experienced teammates. I want to learn new things, but also bring my own thoughts to the team's play. Expectations are of course high, but I try to focus only on my own performance. I feel that we have the potential all the way to the top, commented Jarkko Rahja, the team's youngest player.
Välimaan Mikko has previously coached as a second coach but is ready to challenge himself.
Good vibes! Gets to work with new players and develop individuals and the team at the same time. I feel that this is also a great place to develop myself as a coach, comments Välimaan Mikko on his role as a coach.
Spargo's HAVU debut and zehN's & doto's re-debut happens in August at local Finnish LAN Assembly Summer 2022.